You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.10. Sales - Reprint Credit Note > Reprint Credit Note - Menu Options > Reprint Credit Note - Edit - Header
Reprint Credit Note - Edit - Header

You can view or edit the Credit Creation Header details if required.

  1. Display the Reprint Credit Note screen.

Refer to "Reprint Credit Note - Menu Options".

  1. Select EDIT | HEADER.

Micronet displays the Credit Creation Header screen.

  1. You can view the header details just as you would when creating or maintaining a credit note.

You can also view details such as discount matrix, discounts and surcharges, user defined questions, and you can do a full debtor inquiry. You cannot change any of these details. For information about the fields on this screen and the available menu options, refer to "Maintaining the Credit Creation Header".

  1. If you are authorised to edit non-financial data and you have Edit mode toggled on, you can change the Order Number, Delivery To address and Customer Run No.

For more information, refer to "Reprint Credit Note - Edit - Non Financial Data".

  1. When you have finished viewing or editing the header details, select PROCEED or press F2.

Micronet redisplays the Reprint Credit Note screen.